14 February, 2011
07 December, 2010
Business Across Cultures
Business Across Cultures is an English Course with the following contents:
[1] Types of Cultures
many transnational mergers fail because organizations with different cultures fail to identify the differences between them and learn how to live or deal with these differences.
[2] At and After work
Understanding the working environment and how people behave outside the workplace is considered to be of great help in our business relations with people from different countries and different organizations.
[3] Language Structures
Language reflects many aspects of culture. some people may express themselves directly because they feel this is honest and helpful. Others, from other cultures, may find it rude and aggressive... Language is used to put up barriers and to break them down.
[4] Communication Goals
The biggest challenge perhaps for every business person working internationally is to develop a flexible style of communication which takes into account the needs and interests of different audiences.
[5] Presentations
Information / Seriousness / Interaction / Etc.
[6] Meetings
Purposes / Roles / Processes
[7] Negociations
Time / Roles / Tactics
[8] The audience
We may find some cultural differences between two business departments, for example between marketing and finance. Now consider two companies within different cultures. They may speak different languages and think in different ways. Getting to know your audience is key-point.
[9] Leadership Formats
Do the subordinates look up to their leaders with a mixture of fear and respect? Individualism, collectivism, gender, masculinity & feminity issues are considered in this topic.
[10] Corporate x Social Cultures
Dos and Don'ts. Golden Rules.
Postado por
1:21 AM
Marcadores: e-maxi, english course, web English courses
29 November, 2010
Web English Courses
is a multi-talented service with a strong scientific background and solid organizational and management abilities.
along with a five-year-international experience offering the world an excellent verbal and written communication skills in English is now ready to offer you new English Courses and Trainings on the web. Take note!
Postado por
9:13 PM
1 comentários
Marcadores: e-maxi, english course, web English courses
New English Courses
English for Meetings, e-maxi
now plans to be sharing with you the following Courses:
(4) Grammar for International Business
Postado por
3:37 PM
Marcadores: e-maxi, english course, web free course
23 July, 2009
Room @ Paltalk [ English for Presentations]
www.paltalk.com > Distance Education > Languages > English for Presentations Room
Postado por
11:14 AM
17 June, 2008
... TIPS ... What to say on daily conversations!?
I. Polite Offers
when the persons in the situation don't know each other but use the language to comunicate a need, an offer, etc.
1 - May I take your coat? (at the conference cocktail restaurant)
Thank you, that's very kind of you.
2 - Do you need some help with that? (at conference room when you are installing the equipment)
I can manage, thank you. (Option 1)
Yes, how should I install the notebook on the datashow, please? (Option 2)
3 - Can I get you something to drink? (a kind offer to bring you something to drink at the cocktail)
Water would be great, please.
Still or sparkling?
Sparking, if you find it, please.
4 - Will you have some coffee or tea, madam? / = Would you like some coffee or tea? (at the end of the dinner the waiter is serving coffee and tea to the guests)
Yes, black coffee would be great, please.
Do you take sugar? Milk?
Black with one sugar, thanks.
more coming soon!
Postado por
11:34 AM
Marcadores: english for socializing